Frequently asked questions


How do I book an appointment?


You can make an appointment by contacting us via phone or email. If we are unavailable or attending to other clients, please leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



How long does a Courageous Kids session go for?


Standard consultations run for approximately 55 minutes and cost $210.
An initial double session can also be booked to allow more time to collect information and discuss recommendations.

Initial double sessions run for 100-110 minutes and cost $380.
Our fees are the same for both Telehealth (phone or video) and face-to-face consultations.

Please note: Our fees are less than the Australia Psychological Society Schedule of Recommended Fees which are $260 for a standard session and $489 for a double session.



Do I require a referral and can I get a rebate?


You do not require any type of referral to see us.
Referrals are only required if you wish to claim rebates from Medicare.
If you have self-managed or privately managed NDIS funding and have psychology included on your plan, we can provide services to you without a referral.

You can obtain a referral and Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from your GP under the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative. This allows you to claim rebates for six initial sessions, you will then require another referral in order to claim another four sessions. Until June 2022, after you have completed 10 sessions under the Better Access Scheme you can then go back to your GP for a review and request an additional 10 sessions (equating to a maximum of 20 sessions per calendar year).
The current rebate for a Clinical Psychologist is $128.40 per session for psychological assessment and therapy. This rebate applies to both Telehealth and face-to-face appointments.

If you have reached the Medicare safety net, the rebate will be higher.
Please note: Providing appropriate referrals to be eligible for Medicare rebates is your responsibility and is not the responsibility of the psychologists.

If you are seeing a Paediatrician or Psychiatrist, then they can provide you with a letter addressed to us referring your child for mental health support.

You do not require a MHCP in this case.
Many private health care funds also provide rebates for clinical psychology services where the Medicare rebates are not being claimed. You do not need a referral to claim under private health insurance. Please contact your private health insurer for further information.



How and when do I pay for my session?


Payments are due in full on the day of your appointment.
Payments can be made via cash, credit card by using our online system or direct deposit. If you are eligible for Medicare rebates, after we receive your payment, we can electronically submit the Medicare claim for you so that your rebate is paid automatically into your bank account on the day of your appointment.



What if I need to cancel my appointment?


Courageous Kids Psychology has a 24-hour cancellation policy.
Should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact us within a minimum of 24-hours. This is to ensure that we have enough time to make this appointment available to other clients. If you do not attend, or cancel your appointment with less than 24-hours notice, you will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the session fee.

Please note: Our cancellation fee cannot be claimed through Medicare or your private health fund.

We do offer a SMS reminder service for all appointments, however this should not be relied upon. Remembering your appointment time is your responsibility.



What can I expect from my first session?


At Courageous Kids Psychology, when working with younger children, we like to schedule an initial consultation with just the parents or carers to gain a thorough understanding of your child and your current concerns. This gives us an opportunity to discuss your concerns more openly as well as any relevant background history.

Sometimes, parents prefer to have the child present for this first appointment and that’s completely fine.
Adolescents and young adult clients always attend the first appointment and we like for them to decide whether they attend on their own or with their parent or carer.

During your appointment, we will take the time to get to know you and your child. The Psychologist will begin your session by talking about confidentiality and consent. We usually have many questions to ask and welcome questions from you too. When working with young children, the assessment generally involves playful activities to get to know them and help them feel comfortable in our space. We will then discuss a plan for the best way in which we can provide support and address your concerns.



How is Courageous Kids managing COVID-19?


Whilst we like to think we have super hero powers to help keep us safe, COVID-19 protocols are still very important for our safety.
We ask all clients to be prepared to be flexible with their approach to psychology sessions at this time. We are encouraging all clients to consider Telehealth appointments as at times they may be necessary, either in response to changing government restrictions or in relation to safety and precautions at the practice.

We ask that no one attends a face-to-face appointment if you or your child, a household member, or any other close contact is experiencing any cold of flu symptoms, is waiting for COVID-19 test results, or has been in contact with someone suspected of having COVID-19 or themselves are suspected of having COVID-19. Your appointment can be changed to a video or phone consultation. Our Psychologists will cancel appointments or make the offer of a video or phone session if unwell or if they have been in contact with anyone who has been unwell or is suspected of having COVID-19.

We have implemented additional cleaning and hygiene practices to reduce the risk of spread. After each appointment all surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected.

Please wait in the waiting area when you first arrive for your appointment.
Please only bring the required people to your appointment.
If you arrive early for your appointment, please wait outside and only come into the clinic at the time of your appointment.
Please use our hand sanitiser as you enter and leave our clinic.
Please maintain a social distance within the clinic.



What are Telehealth consultations and how do they work?


Telehealth consultations are available for all clients including private, Medicare and third-party clients (e.g. NDIS). This is offered via video through a secure platform (COVUI) and also via telephone.
While Telehealth is a recent change to the way we deliver services, our experience so far has been fantastic! Telehealth is just as effective as face-to-face therapy and young people tend to enjoy them and engage well in these types of consultations. Telehealth also allows psychologists to support children, young people and their families in implementing strategies in the comfort of their home environment, where we can work together to source materials and activities that are already found in your home and can be helpful in supporting emotional regulation, behaviour management, and various other strategies discussed in a session.
The  online platform that we use for video consultations is called COVUI. This platform is recommended by the Australian Psychological Society as it is compliant with the Australian Standards for Online Security and Encryption.

None of the data exchanged in a COVUI call is saved. All of the call, including audio, video and data, is encrypted between callers so nobody can listen to the call. It is also very user-friendly and has some features which young people enjoy, including interactive whiteboards, ability to screen-share and more.

COVUI video consultations don’t require any programs to be installed. We simply meet with you at a web link which is emailed to you at the time of your first appointment. The link is always the same for future consultations.

All you need is a device with a camera and microphone.
We are also able to offer Telehealth consultations via a phone call if that is your preference.

It is important that your therapy experience is a positive one and one that works for you! So we welcome your ideas about how best to set up Telehealth appointments to work for you.



What is Animal Assisted Therapy and how can it be helpful?


There is growing evidence that outlines the physiological benefits of Animal Assisted Therapy. At Courageous Kids Psychology, we believe that including animals in our therapeutic work is an invaluable tool in engaging and providing therapy to children, young people and their families. Research has shown that Animal Assisted Therapy is helping to enhance rapport and engagement, reduces stress and anxiety, increases social interactions and motivation as well as self-esteem and improved mood.
There are many ways that animals can be included in sessions including assisting in learning life skills, social skills or other key behaviours, as well as providing comfort and a bit of humour!

Our therapy dog, Boomer, works with us and of course, it is your choice as to whether or not you would like him involved in your session.

We also have fish and a turtle (coming soon!) who live in our waiting area and enjoy having visitors come and say hello!

We are happy to discuss this more with you if you have any further questions.



Do you provide Court Reports?


Courageous Kids Psychology do not specialise in providing court reports.